Home » COVID Absence » COVID Absence – Year 2

COVID Absence – Year 2

Up to 3 days off

If you unfortunately have to have up to 3 days off school due to COVID circumstances, please follow this timetable with links to the paper home learning and online learning platforms.


More than 3 days off

COVID Absence - Year 2

(no title)

UVA virtual library final version
Week Beginning 01.02.21

Week Beginning 01.02.21

Timetable for the week: Timetable All learning and videos will be available on the assignment area on teams.  This week’s spelling

Week Beginning 25.01.21

How to submit work via teams: Any days your child is not in school please submit their learning. How to submit

Week Beginning 18.01.21

Meeting information from 6th January. teams meeting pwp information How to submit work via teams: Any days your child is not
Week Beginning 11.01.21

Week Beginning 11.01.21

Meeting information from 6th January. teams meeting pwp information How to submit work via teams: Any days your child is not
Week beginning 04.01.21

Week beginning 04.01.21

There will be a teams meeting for Pluto and Jupiter Class tomorrow morning (6/1/2021) at 9am. Please look in your child's

Week Beginning 14.12.20

Microsoft Teams Please use this link to access Microsoft Teams. Once you are there, you will need your email address and
Year 5/6 COVID absence

Week Beginning 07.12.2020

If your child is absent for more than 3 days, please find below the timetable and resources for week beginning 07.12.20
Reading recommendations for Year 5/6

Week Beginning 30.11.2020

If your child is absent for more than 3 days, please find below the timetable and resources for week beginning 30.11.20
Week Beginning 23.11.20

Week Beginning 23.11.20

If your child is absent for more than 3 days, please find below the timetable and resources for week beginning 23.11.20