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Autumn Parents Evenings – In Person and Video Call

Dear Parents/Carers,

This year, based on parental feedback from the autumn Parents Evening last year, we have changed the format slightly.

  • EYFS & Year 1 will offer face-to-face appointments on Tuesday 10th October at 4pm – 6.30pm & Wednesday 11th October at 3.30pm-7.00pm. These will be held in the EYFS/Year 1 classrooms.
  • Years 2-6 will offer face to face appointments on Wednesday 11th October at 3.30pm – 7.00pm. These will be held in the classrooms for Y2 and in the school hall for all other year groups.
  • Years 2-6 will offer video call appointments on Thursday 12th October at 4.00pm – 7.00pm.

We will be using the School Cloud Parents Evening Booking System; if you have not used this system, please follow the attached instructions.  Your log in for this system uses information held on our records, if this is not up to date you may struggle to log in. In readiness of the booking system opening on 5th October, we recommend that parents check they can log in successfully, particularly our new EYFS parents. If you are struggling to log in, please contact the school office.

Booking your Parents Evening Appointment

Parents will be able to book their appointment at https://uphill.schoolcloud.co.uk  from Thursday 5th October at 6.00pm. The booking system will close at 6.00pm on the day before each parents evening, i.e. 10th will close on 9th, 11th will close on 10th, 12th will close on 11th.

Tuesday 10th October – EYFS/Year 1 In-Person Appointments

Wednesday 11th October – All Years In-Person Appointments

For parents attending the evenings at school, the appointments are for up to 2 adults.  Can we politely ask that all attendees arrive on time. Please remember, this is a short meeting to see how your child is progressing; each appointment is for 10 minutes. Please be aware we will have After School Club in operation, so if you are bringing your child, they must remain with you at all times; they are unfortunately not able to play in the outside areas. For EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2 appointments will be held in your child’s classroom.  Years 3,4,5 and 6 appointments will be held in the hall.

Thursday 12th October – Video Call

Please click on the link at the bottom of this letter for a comprehensive ‘how to’ guide, giving you the information you need to be able to take part in the video call. On your appointment day, just before your start time, parents will need to log in to the system at https://uphill.schoolcloud.co.uk and start the video call. Please remember, this is a short meeting to see how your child is progressing; each appointment is for 10 minutes and will automatically stop at the end of your time. There will be no extra curricular clubs on this evening.

Checking the Call Works

It is essential that you check you can use the video system before your appointment. Please make sure you follow the guidance and test your access prior to your parents evening.

We have no facility to contact you or ‘call you in’ if you cannot get into your video call.

Support Guide Link


We look forward to seeing you all at your Parents Evening.

Yours sincerely

Samantha Hodder


Parent Guide – Parents Evening – October 2023