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Y6 Charterhouse Residential – Final Arrangements (selected pupils)

Year 6 Charterhouse Residential 2021 Final Arrangements

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our Charterhouse trip is almost here and the children, as you probably know, are very excited!  After this unusual & exceptional year, our year 6 children truly deserve this experience.

As you are aware, we have only received the updated Government guidance on residential trips this week and we have worked hard to ensure your children can experience Charterhouse with as little restriction as possible, whilst keeping them and our adults safe.

It is important that you are aware of the following, in relation to Covid-19:

  • If your child or a member of your household has any Covid-19 symptoms, please DO NOT send them on the trip. Please contact the school office to inform us.
  • If a member of your household develops symptoms within 48 hours of the start of the trip, please contact the school office immediately. You will be required to collect your child from the Centre as soon as possible.
  • If your child develops any Covid-19 symptoms whilst they are on the trip you will be contacted and required to collect them from the Centre as soon as possible.
  • In the event that a child or member of staff tests positive for Covid-19, requiring all children to isolate, the trip will end and you will be required to collect your child from the Centre as soon as possible.

Obviously, we are hopeful that none of this will happen, so

On the morning of the trip (Monday 17th May):

  • Children should arrive with their luggage at school at 15am (if your child is booked into Breakfast Club this arrangement can remain unchanged);
  • Please remember, your child will need to be able to carry their own luggage to the classroom as parents are not allowed on the school site;
  • Staff will meet the children in the front playground;
  • We have already contacted parents who have notified us their child requires medication. These medicines should be handed to Mrs Hetherington. No other medicine, including travel sickness tablets, can be handed over at this stage. If you believe your child requires medicine and you have not been contacted, please telephone the school office immediately to discuss this. Children cannot carry or self-administer medication on this trip(except inhalers);
  • Please label all luggage clearly;

We will not be leaving for Charterhouse until after lunch. On Monday morning, we are planning to take the children on a river walk, around the village, ending on Uphill beach where they will play some wide games and eat their lunch before returning to school, ready to depart for camp on Monday afternoon.

Packed lunch on Monday:

All children will need to bring in a packed lunch to eat on the beach, but please remember this needs to be in a plastic/paper bag/wrapping, not a lunchbox. We do not want children taking lunch boxes on the trip so we need to be able to dispose of the rubbish before leaving school.

On the day of return (Friday 21st May):

  • We plan to be back at school around 12.45pm;
  • Children should be collected from the front playground at 1pm. Due to Covid restrictions, children and staff will not be allowed inside the school building, therefore a prompt collection is appreciated;
  • If there is any change to this time we will let you know as soon as possible.

Important reminders:

A kit list was emailed to parents last week, if you have not received this please contact the school office team.  Please remember your child’s bedding, including a pillow, as this will not be provided at camp.

The children can take some pocket money (no more than £5 please). This is to buy some sweets or a souvenir from the gift shop.  They can bring a small lunch box with some snacks for the evening ‘tuck shop’ if they wish to (not too much chocolate please and NO nut products).

Although the weather hasn’t been great it is likely to warm up, so please make sure your child has a sunhat and suntan lotion please, just in case!

Please make sure your child has a black bin bag, for their wet/dirty clothes. This is essential to keep mud and water from other items of clothing.  Please make sure it has a large named label on it prior to packing.

You can follow the children throughout the trip via our Charterhouse Twitter account. This is a closed group and will only be open to parents of the children attending. Visit Twitter and find us at Charterhouse@Y6uphillvillage and request to follow the account. We will accept parents to view the account over the next few days before we travel. We take loads of photos to keep you informed and you can see just what they get up to!

If you have a Twitter handle that will be difficult for us to identify you from, please telephone the school office, so we know. We cannot accept requests from grandparents, friends, siblings etc.

Please don’t hesitate to speak to any of the staff if you have any questions before we depart.

We are very excited and looking forward to a fantastic trip.

With regards

Year 5/6 Team