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Choir Christmas Events (selected pupils)

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has been attending choir regularly in school on Monday lunchtimes with Mrs Tinker and they have been working hard practising Christmas songs. We are looking forward to showcasing our choir within the local community.

Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone, so we would like to advise you of the choir engagements which lie ahead. These events will be held during the school. Permission for your child to attend is covered by the ‘walk around village’ consent form, so no further permission is required.

Monday 5th December – Manor House Residential Home, Uphill.

Tuesday 6th December – Weston Hospice.

Monday 12th December –. Uphill Victory Hall Christmas Pop Up Cafe at 2:30pm.

When our choir attend these events, they are representing our academy and therefore smart school uniform is required, however children can wear a festive hat or hair band.

Best wishes

Georgie Tinker

Deputy Head Teacher