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Christmas Celebrations

Dear Parents/Carers

Thank you for your patience whilst we have been finalising arrangements for our Christmas celebrations.  As there continues to be a prevalence of Covid-19 in our region, we are anxious that we do not contribute to the spread of the virus and, in liaison with our Health & Safety advisors, we have introduced some additional measures to enable our Christmas celebrations to go ahead.

We apologise there is a lot of information in this letter, including some tight deadlines for tickets.  We recommend you keep a copy to refer back to and save the dates in your diaries!

EYFS/Year 1 Christmas Performance

Rehearsals are in full swing for our production of ‘Donkey for Sale’ and the children are working really hard to make this a great performance.  Thank you for all the work you are already putting in helping your children learn their lines.

We are holding a separate performance for each class, taking place at 9.15am on the following days:

Rainbow Class parents – Tuesday 7th December

      Sunshine Class parents – Wednesday 8th December

      Saturn Class parents – Thursday 9th December

In order to limit numbers in the hall, we can only offer 1 adult ticket per child for the day of your child’s class performance.

Only adults who have pre-booked to attend each performance will be admitted.  You will need to book your attendance via the following link https://forms.office.com/r/gR2GbYYsvs by 12 noon on Tuesday 30 November.

For those parents/carers who are unable to attend on their specified day, arrangements are being made to video the performance and make this available on Tapestry.  Further details will be issued nearer the time.

Year 2 Christmas Service

This is being held at St Nicholas Church on Tuesday 7th December at 2pm.  Audience numbers will be strictly limited to 2 adults per child and tickets will be required to enter.

You will need to request tickets via the following link https://forms.office.com/r/0ey8FaABAB by 12 noon on Tuesday 30 November.  Tickets will be issued on Friday 3rd December via children’s book bags.  Please ensure you bring your tickets with you!

KS2 Christmas Carols

KS2 classes will be recording a selection of Christmas carols and these will be available for your enjoyment on our YouTube Channel from Monday 13th December.

Please use the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCobLS1Aua5KMBYUjefcFPDg

Class Christmas Parties

Christmas parties are being held within classes this year, during the afternoons in the last week of term (see timetable below).  Many thanks to the PTFA who are providing the Christmas party food and drink.  Party clothes can be worn all day; no long dresses, fancy dress, pyjamas or onesies please.  Sensible shoes must still be worn; no slip-on shoes or open-toe sandals.

EYFS/Yr1      –           Monday 13th December

Year 2            –           Tuesday 14th December

Year 3/4         –           Thursday 16th December

Year 5/6         –           Friday 17th December

Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch for all children will take place on Wednesday 15th December and the Christmas menu is attached with this letter.  We are pleased to confirm that once again the Christmas lunch will be offered free of charge for all children throughout the school.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 must book their Christmas lunch via ParentPay (www.parentpay.co.uk ). This will show as a ‘payment item’ within your ParentPay account but you will not be charged for this booking, charges will be cancelled before the end of term.  Bookings will need to be made on ParentPay by Tuesday 7th December at the latest.  After this date no further bookings can be made.  

All children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 qualify for Universal Infant Free School Meals, therefore we will automatically book every child in these year groups for a Christmas lunch.  If your child does NOT want this meal please email the school office office@uva.clf.uk with your child’s name and class by Wednesday 8th December.

ALL children not having the Christmas lunch must bring a packed lunch on this day, there will be no alternative options available.

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 10th December we will be supporting ‘Save the Children’ by ‘swapping’ your child’s school jumper/cardigan for a Christmas jumper.  A suggested donation of £1 will be required and buckets will be available at both entrance gates on the morning of the 10th.  Normal school uniform should be worn, with the exception of the jumper.

PTFA Christmas Chocolate Hunt

We have taken the difficult decision not to hold our traditional Christmas Bazaar this year; however, our fabulous PTFA members are inviting all children to take part in a Christmas Chocolate Hunt on Friday 10th December.  In order to limit large gatherings as much as possible, we will operate a staggered timetable, as follows:

EYFS/Yr1      – 2.30pm

Year 2            – 2.45pm

Year 3/4         – 3.00pm

Year 5/6         – 3.15pm

Parents/carers will be able to collect their child from outside their classroom, at the allotted time, and take them to the rear playground/field to take part in the hunt.  We ask that, where possible, only 1 adult accompanies each child and you leave the school grounds as quickly as possible after your hunt.

If your child is not taking part in the hunt they should be collected at 3.15pm as normal, from their usual collection point.

Please note that as this is an outdoors event, it may be necessary to cancel at short notice due to poor weather conditions.

Further details and payment arrangements will be in the PTFA Newsletter coming soon!

PTFA Secret Santa

All children have the opportunity to take part in Secret Santa, allowing children to select gifts for family members.  Further details and payment arrangements will be in the PTFA Newsletter coming soon!

I am sure, like us, you and your children are looking forward to the events above and you will support us with some additional measures to help us all keep safe ahead of the festive holidays.  We ask that any adults attending the above events:

  • Ensure social distancing at all times
  • Wear a face covering throughout the event (unless you are exempt)
  • Take a lateral flow test before attending

We will continue to keep you informed of any changes to the above via email and/or text and will be issuing regular text reminders.  If you have any questions regarding the above please do not hesitate to contact the school office office@uva.clf.uk

With kind regards

Mrs Samantha Hodder
