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Covid-19 Absence Information

10th September 2020

Parental Update on Attendance

Dear Parents/Carers,

Since our return to school we have had many queries from parents concerning when a child should remain absent from school and for how long.

We have enhanced our Attendance Policy with an Attendance Position Statement, which reflects changes in our schools’ practice as a result of the COVID -19 outbreak. A copy can be found within the ‘key information’ section of our website www.uphillprimary.co.uk

To assist parents in understanding Covid-19 related absences, please find attached a table which explains ‘what to do if…’ and ‘when to return to school…’ If a child is poorly at school with Covid-19 related reasons we have an obligation to act cautiously and will always request a parent collects their child to take them home.

When a child is poorly at school with non related Covid-19 symptoms, we will make a decision to telephone a parent to take a child home using the criteria as detailed within our Attendance & Punctuality Policy. We will assess the symptoms and how they are affecting a child i.e. are they distressed, upset or uncomfortable. We endeavor to keep children within school as long as their condition does not affect their or others learning. However, if the class teacher believes a child would be more comfortable at home we will ask for them to be collected by the parent.

In the event of a confirmed positive Covid-19 test within the school community the school will take its advice and guidance from Public Health England, who, in conjunction with the school, will decide on the course of action.

All absences should be reported to the school via the absence line on 01934 626769 option 1 by 9.00am on the first morning of the absence and every day there after until your child returns to school. If we no longer require a parent to telephone each day, due to a long period of absence, we will inform you that this will be the case. Please do not email absences to the school email address or class group email addresses.

If a parent wishes to keep their child off school for the reasons of a day trip or holiday, a ‘Holiday Request Form’ must be completed and submitted prior to the child’s absence. If a child has a hospital, medical or dental appointment written evidence must be provided via email to the school office prior to the appointment. Full details of these procedures can be found in our Attendance & Punctuality Policy which can be found on our website https://uphill-primary-school.secure-primarysite.net/attendance/

If any parent has a specific query regarding absence from school, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on [email protected]

With regards

Mrs Samantha Hodder


Covid19 Pupil Absence Guidance. Sept 2020