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Covid-19 Update

Dear Parent/carer

Following the news over the weekend relating to the possibility of false negative PCR test results, some children have been retested and we have been advised of a number of positive cases. This means that throughout the whole school we now have more than 5 positive cases.

We are in contact with our Health and Safety advisors at Cabot Learning Federation and Public Health England however, with immediate effect we have introduced the following additional measures to help keep everybody safe:

  • Classes will be kept separate when inside and where practically possible
  • Assemblies will be conducted online
  • Visitors onsite will be kept to a minimum
  • The in-person parents evening on Tuesday night will now be held online via a video call (a separate letter will be forwarded to all parents later today)

This is in addition to the measures that are already in place

  • Ventilation in all indoor spaces
  • Frequent hand washing
  • Use of hand sanitizer
  • ‘Clean as you Go’ procedures
  • Separate class toilets

In line with current government guidance, contact tracing is overseen by NHS Test and Trace and close contacts will be contacted directly.

Self-isolating and taking a test

  1. If your child has Covid symptoms, they should self-isolate and you should immediately order a PCR test for them. If the PCR test is negative, they can stop self-isolating (unless instructed to self-isolate for other reasons). If the test is positive, they must self-isolate until 10 days after the onset of symptoms. You should inform us that your child has had a positive PCR test result.
  2. If you child has a positive result from a lateral flow device (LFD) test, they should self- isolate and you should inform us. You should immediately order a confirmatory PCR test. If the confirmatory test is taken within two days and the result is negative, they can stop self-isolating (unless instructed to self-isolate for other reasons). If the confirmatory PCR test is positive, they must self-isolate until 10 days after the LFD test.
  3. PCR tests can be booked online through: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing/ or by calling 119.
  4. PCR test results will be recorded with NHS Test and Trace automatically, but you should also communicate the result to the school via the office.

Contact Tracing

  1. If your child gets a positive PCR test result, NHS Test and Trace will contact you, using the details you registered when ordering the PCR test. You and/or your child will be asked a series of questions designed to identify who your child has been in close contact with. Being in an education or childcare setting with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, will not necessarily mean a person is identified as a close contact.
  2. You will be asked to provide close contact details. NHS Test and Trace will then contact those identified and give appropriate instructions.

Self-isolation and / or testing of close contacts

  1. Individuals are not required to self-isolate if they live in the same household as someone with Covid-19, or are a close contact of someone with Covid-19 and any of the following apply:
  • They are fully vaccinated
  • They are below the age of 18
  • They have taken part in or are currently part of an approved Covid-19 vaccine trial
  • They are not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons
  1. Close contacts are strongly advised to take a PCR test. There is no requirement to self-isolate whilst awaiting the PCR result so individuals can continue to attend their education setting. If an individual is symptomatic, they should stay at home and follow the guidance in step 1 above.
  2. Children who are under the age of 5 years old and identified as a close contact are advised to take a PCR test only if the positive case is within their own household.


The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are recent onset of:

  • A continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of, or change, in your normal sense of taste or smell.

For most people, Covid-19 will be a mild illness.

We will of course continue to liaise with Public Health England and will inform you if we need to make any further changes.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Samantha Hodder