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End of Term 5 Update

Dear Parents/Carers

As we reach the end of another amazing term in school, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and hope that you and your family are looking forward to a fabulous half-term break.

As the Government continues to progress with the roadmap out of lockdown, I confirm that there remains no changes to our Covid measures in school.  This includes rigorously adhering to the Hands, Face, Space guidance, operating in class ‘bubbles’, staggered timetables and adhering to the Test & Trace guidance.

Staggered Timetable – Year 5/6 and amended finish times

As Year 5/6 are returning to their original 3 classes in Term 6, we have amended the start/finish timetable to accommodate this.  We have also amended the finish time for a number of classes, in order to maximise learning time in school.  Please check the attached timetable for your child’s start/finish times from Monday 7th June.

To ease congestion at the gates, particularly for KS1, please keep the areas in front of the gates clear and wait along the boundary fence/walls, keeping 2m distance from others.  To keep everyone safe during this busy time, please do not use the area in front of the gates in Ellesmere Road to pull-in and drop off your children, or as a turning circle.

Lateral Flow (LFD) Testing at Home

As many households now have access to Lateral flow (LFD) testing at home, please remember this testing is to identify asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 only and should not be used by anyone who has symptoms.

Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, even if they have had a negative LFD test result, must take a PCR test (either via a postal test or at a test site) to check if they have the virus.  Until a negative PCR test result is received, the whole household must self-isolate and your child(ren) should not attend school.

Reporting of positive cases over Half-Term

If your child tests positive for COVID-19 and their symptoms began within 2 days of being in school, you must email [email protected] as soon as possible.  This is to ensure we can inform possible contacts as quickly as possible.

Please continue to report if your child tests positive or has been in contact with someone who tests positive, throughout half-term to [email protected].  Please confirm the date the symptoms started, the date of the test and the date of last contact (if applicable).

I would like to wish you all a peaceful, healthy and relaxing break and I look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 7th June.

Yours sincerely

Samantha Hodder
