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EYFS & Year 1 Trip to WildPlace

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are delighted to inform parents that we have organised a day trip for our EYFS & Year 1 children which will enhance their learning on their next enquiry question ‘What Makes Up the Animal Kingdom?

We plan to take each class to the WildPlace Project in Bristol:

Monday 13th June: Saturn Class

Tuesday 14th June: Sunshine Class

Wednesday 15th June: Rainbow Class

The coach will leave school at approximately 9.00am and should return by the end of the school day, therefore any arrangements regarding after school clubs or breakfast club can remain unchanged.

During the day, the children will enjoy time studying the animals and understanding the habitats they live in and the plant life they need to survive

Children should wear normal school uniform but can wear sensible/comfortable footwear i.e.trainers. Children will need to bring a packed lunch and drink, no fizzy drinks please. Children entitled to benefit related free school meals can request a packed lunch from the school. If you require this option, please speak to a member of the school office team. Parents should consider the weather conditions as to whether a warm or lightweight coat and/or sun hat are required.

The cost of the trip is £21.00 per child, which covers the cost of the entry and the coach travel. Due to the high price of fuel and the summer season charges, this trip cost is higher than usual. Children in receipt of pupil premium funding will have the cost of this trip met by the school, however parents will still need to give permission via ParentPay for them to participate in the trip.

We hope parents will understand that should we not receive sufficient funds to cover the cost of the trip, we will have to cancel. The school has no provision to subsidise trips.

Parents should visit www.parentpay.com to give permission for their child to attend the trip, payment will need to be made at the same time. Deadline for permission & payment is Wednesday 1st June 2022.

We hope this will be a thoroughly enjoyable trip for the children and we are looking forward to it.

With regards

The EYFS & Year 1Team