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Industrial Action

Dear Parents / Carers

I am writing today to let you know that, following a ballot of union members, it has now been confirmed that teachers will be holding four days of strikes in the South West.  This action, which is the result of a dispute between the NEU and Government and does not involve individual schools, will take place on February 1 and March 2, and provisionally on March 15 and March 16.

I am sure you will have questions about what this means for your child.  As you can imagine, we have been preparing for the possibility of industrial action over recent weeks.  Lessons will continue where it is safe and practical to do so, but please understand that some disruption is likely.

I appreciate this could have a knock-on impact onto your own work and family schedule; we anticipate being able to confirm what impact the strikes will have on Uphill Village Academy and on your child’s arrangements over the course of next week.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Samantha Hodder
