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Online Safety Talk for Parents

Online Safety Talk for Parents (Year 2 & upwards)

Dear Parent/Carers,

At Uphill Village Academy, we continually remind children of the importance of staying safe online and help them to be able to recognise the opportunities and risks within their online lives.  Starting with Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 8th February we will continue to focus on e-safety during computing lessons throughout this term.

Do you worry about children’s online lives and want to find out more?

 We have arranged a visit from PC Ben Andrews, a cyber protect officer from Avon and Somerset Constabulary, on Wednesday 9th February.  PC Andrews will deliver talks to our Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 children and members of staff.

We are delighted that PC Andrews will also offer a talk for parents (Year 2 & upwards) from 2:40pm until 3.10pm, in the school hall.  He will talk about current online safety issues and concerns and share advice which we are sure our parents will find informative and helpful.

In order to keep everyone safe the number of seats available will be limited to a maximum of 30. If you wish to book a place at this talk please visit www.uphill.schoolcloud.co.uk

Andrew Clark

Year 5/6 teacher & Online Safety Lead