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P.E Timetable Terms 1&2 2020-2021

7th September 2020

Term 1 – P.E Timetable

Dear Parent / Carer

Please find below the P.E timetable for each class, starting Tuesday 8th September.

On the day/s the children will be participating in P.E they should arrive at school in their P.E kit and they will remain in this all day.  We recommend dark coloured jogging bottoms and a hoodie/fleece to be worn if the weather is cooler.

Voyager class are participating in swimming lessons this term, starting Tuesday 15th September, please ensure the swimming consent has been given via ParentPay. Voyager class children are expected to wear full school uniform on Tuesdays.

ClassP.E Day/s
RainbowMonday & Thursday
SunshineMonday & Thursday
SaturnMonday & Thursday
JupiterTuesday & Wednesday
PlutoTuesday & Friday
SputnikMonday & Friday
ChandraMonday & Friday


Tuesday – Swimming – full uniform required & Thursday
PegasusWednesday & Thursday
OrionWednesday & Friday
UnicornTuesday & Thursday

Kind Regards

Uphill Primary School