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Performance at the Summer Fete – Dance Club


20th June 2022


Performance at the Summer Fete – Dance Club 


Dear Parent/Carers,


Uphill School & Village Fete will be held on Saturday 2nd July and, as your child performs in the Dance Club, we would be delighted if they would perform at the fete.

If your child wishes to join us, please complete the form using the following link https://forms.office.com/r/90stEqr2Gp by Wednesday 22nd June.

On the day of the fete, the dancers will be required from 1:45pm until approximately 3:30pm. Dancers will need to meet Mrs Hetherington in the school hall at 1:45pm to get ready and will perform three dances on the field from 2:15pm.

Dancers must be accompanied by an adult throughout the time they are at the fete and will remain their responsibility. Dancers should arrive wearing black trousers/leggings, and a plain black top and plain black trainers or daps. Pease ensure hair is tied up in a half ponytail.

We’re looking forward to the fete and to showcasing our dancers’ talents.


Yours sincerely


Mrs Hodder
