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School Closure Information

17th February 2022


Dear Parents/Carers,

Due to the Red Weather Warning issued by the Met Office, we have taken the decision to close Uphill Village Academy tomorrow, Friday 18th February. We understand this may be challenging for our families and we apologise for the late notice but the safety of our students and staff is our priority.

Uphill Village Academy will be closed to ALL pupils and learning will be provided via our remote learning platforms:

EYFS & Year1 – Tapestry
Yrs 2- 6 – Microsoft Teams

Parents of EYFS/Year1 children will be able to access learning tasks for the day via Tapestry.

Children in Year 2 to Year 6 will be invited to attend a whole class check-in with their class teacher at 9:00am. This will be a Microsoft Teams meeting and can be accessed from the email invitation or from their calendar, once they have logged into Microsoft Teams. During this check in, teachers will set out the learning for the day, which will be year group specific.

All children have an individual CLF email address and password to access Microsoft Teams. These details have been printed on a label and stuck in their home school diary. For guidance on logging into Microsoft Teams, please watch this short video:

If your child has difficulty accessing the learning for any reason, class teachers are available via year group email addresses for further direction.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please note that the school office will be closed so please do not telephone the school. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us by email on [email protected]

I hope you all stay safe tomorrow and wish you a relaxing and restful half-term break. We look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 28th February.

Best wishes

Samantha Hodder