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School Health Nursing Service

Dear Parent/Carer

The School Health Nursing Service will be visiting school on Tuesday 13th June, following their September visit when your child started Reception.  Please find attached the opt-out form for the Vision Screening and the national Child Measurement Programme.

Vision screening:

The aim of vision screening is to help identify a child with a possible vision problem and refer them to the specialist services for further tests if necessary.


Weighing and Measuring (National Child Measurement Programme):

The aim of the National Child Measurement Programme is to develop a better understanding of children’s height and weight by collecting information from across the country. Children are weighed and measured fully clothed (except for shoes) and all information is treated confidentially.


For more information about the School Health Nursing Service and the measurements that will be taken, please visit the School Health Nurse section of the following website


Important Information: Please return the consent form (attached) to [email protected] . If no ticked consent slip is returned we will

assume you DO consent to NCMP and vision screening.

If you have any questions, please contact Sirona on the number at the bottom of this letter.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Kind Regards,

School Health Nursing Team

+  Sirona care & health

School Health Nursing Team

Badger House

Oldmixon Crescent


BS24 9AY


(  01934 419339

8  [email protected]

:  www.sirona-cic.org.uk