Terms 5&6 in EYFS & Year 1
16th April 2024
Term 5&6 in EYFS & Year 1
Dear Parents/Carers,
Term 5 – Our enquiry for Term 5 is ‘How has Uphill Village changed over time?‘
During this term we are going to be Historians. We will be going for a walk around our village to look at landmarks and different buildings and, as historians, we will be using a range of different sources to find out how the village has changed over time. We look forward to presenting our learning to our parents on Wednesday 22nd May from 2.30pm.
Term 6 – Our enquiry for term 6 is ‘How do living things survive?’
We will be scientists, finding out about plants and animals and what they need to survive. To support our learning, we will be taking a trip to ‘Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm’ which we hope will be an exciting day looking at a wide range of animals and attending workshops to assist with our learning. Full details will follow shortly.
We value the support from our parents in your children’s learning and would ask that you listen to your child read, using either their phonics book or sharing a book for pleasure, at least 3 times a week and record this in your child’s reading record. Please continue to swap sharing books (books for pleasure) as and when you want to. These are outside classrooms at the end of the day.
Please continue to check and read our weekly memo on tapestry.
And finally, can your child’s P.E. kit, including daps or trainers, remain in school during the term and we will send it home during the May half term break. As the weather is improving, we are excited to be able to have more of our P.E. lessons outside.
With regards
EYFS / Year 1 team.