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Transition from Year 2 to Year 3 Letter

Transition to Year 3 (KS2)

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week, your child will be moving into Year 3 (Key Stage 2). This is the transition from the infant part of the school to the juniors.

As your child moves into Year 3 there are some changes we need to make you aware of.

School Meals: As you will be aware from the ‘return to school’ letter that was emailed yesterday, school meals in the dining hall will re commence in September. A menu from the school meal provider, Aspen, was issued yesterday and can be found on the website. Children will continue to be able to book their meal on a daily basis, which allows you the flexibility for your child to have a combination of packed lunches and hot school meals as suits your needs.

Please remember your child’s entitlement to Universal Infant Free School Meals expired at the end of Year 2 and meals must be paid for in advance via ParentPay, at a cost of £2.30 per meal. If you believe you may be entitled to free school meals, due to your economic circumstances, please ensure you apply as soon as possible. Please see the information attached for further details.

P.E. Kit: As you will now be aware, children in KS2 (Years 3-6) will continue to come into school in their PE kit on the days they have P.E. The P.E. kit remains the same, however, we ask that you provide your child with a pair of navy/black joggers and a navy/black hoodie in addition to your child’s kit; this is because they will have P.E outdoors, even when the weather is cold. It is not essential, but we find that trainers are more appropriate than daps especially as most outdoor P.E will be held on the field which can be damp.

Bags: The school logo book bag is no longer required in KS2. We currently are asking that children only use a cloth bag to bring in their reading book and they have a lunch box/bag.

PG Film consent: From time to time, we may watch a film that is of a PG rating. These will always be checked for suitability of viewing by the class teacher before they are shown. Please login to ParentPay, www.parentpay.co.uk  by 10th September to give consent for your child to watch PG films whilst in school. If you do not wish to give your consent, your child will not watch these films and will spend time within another classroom and/or take part in a different activity. Permission can be changed at any time.

Online Homework Apps Consent: Homework is set within the year groups via online learning platforms. They are used regularly within school as well as at home. We do not require consent for the use of these educational apps, however if you have any concerns please contact the school office on [email protected] Please read the ‘Key Stage 2 – Use of online learning programmes’ information attached.

Swimming Lessons: During Years 3&4 children will take part in swimming lessons. Lessons are provided in 10 week blocks across each term, with a different class attending each term; your child will have 20 swimming lessons over the two year period. You will have already received information regarding this. Following advice from the government on the reopening of schools in September, swimming lessons, as part of the National Curriculum, will continue therefore if you have not yet given permission please ensure you do so asap via ParentPay.

If you have any further questions regarding your child moving to KS2 please do not hesitate to contact the teachers on [email protected] or the school office team on [email protected]

Many thanks

Uphill Village Academy


 During your child’s time at Uphill Village Academy they will have the opportunity to use online learning programmes which have been carefully selected to support their learning and development.  In some cases your child will be given an individual log-in which will allow them to access a programme at home, primarily to complete homework tasks set by their teacher.  This can also provide access to educational resources to help you support your child’s learning at home.

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we need to make parents aware of the online learning programmes we use.

The programmes that will be available to your child during their time in school are listed below.  In all cases we will only share the minimum amount of personal data required and we will not share more than their forename, surname and class name.

Information on how these organisations use and store personal information can be accessed via the website addresses provided.  If you require this information in paper format please contact the school office.

  • Sumdog – online maths/reading/spelling programmes (Yr 2/3/4)


(https://hegartymaths.com/files/HM_General_Privacy_Notice.pdf )

  • SpellingFrame – online spelling programme (Yr5/6)


If you do not wish for your child to have access to these for home learning, please inform the school office in writing. You have the right to make or change this decision at any time.

Benefit Related Free School Meals and Pupil Premium

Your child’s entitlement to Universal Free School Meals will finish at the end of Year 2. From Year 3 onwards school meals will cost £2.30 per meal, payable in advance via ParentPay.

Is my child eligible for free school meals?

Your child may be eligible for free school meals if you are in receipt of any of the following:

– Universal Credit, provided annual net earned income does not exceed £7,400   (£616.67 per month).

– Income support

– Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance

– Income-based Employment & Support Allowance

– Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

– The guaranteed element of Pension Credit

– Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and annual gross income is £16,190 or less)

– Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying)

Due to the roll-out of Universal Credit, if your child is eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) they are in on 31 March 2022.

How do I apply?

It is quick and easy to apply.

Parents and carers can apply online, at home or at school, and will receive an instant response.  It is important that an application is made for every child in your household.

If your child is eligible the system will generate a letter that can be printed and given to the school office.  Your entitlement will start from the date of this letter.

More information and a link to the on-line application process can be found on the school website www.uphillvillageacademy.clf.uk

Or at:  https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/my-services/schools-learning/local-schools/free-school-meals

Does my child have to eat the free school meals?

No. Pupils who are registered for free school meals do not have to take them.

Eligibility for Free School Meals does not just cover the cost of school meals it allows children and families to access the additional benefits from Pupil Premium funding, including free milk and support with uniform, trips and music tuition.

What is Pupil Premium funding?

The Government currently pays an additional grant to schools to help support disadvantaged children of all abilities to reach their potential.

This is called the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG).  Eligible children are those who:

  • have been eligible for Free School Meals at any time in the last six years
  • are in the care of the local authority or have been adopted from care

A Pupil Premium Grant is also available to provide pastoral support for children from service families, including regular personnel, reservists and veterans.

For more information about pupil premium go to our website, which also contains details of how the pupil premium is spent.