Transition into Year 6
Dear Parents/Carers,
In September, your child will be moving into Year 6. This transition to year 6 can be quite exciting and emotional for children (and their parents!) as it marks the beginning of their final year in primary school.
Year 6 is a year full of learning and this can be at quite a pace, so the summer is a good opportunity to make sure your child continues to practise key skills that they’ll need when they start back at school in September. These can be the basics, including reading, writing and learning times tables. A summer holiday journal and taking part in the North Somerset Reading Challenge are great ways to keep up with writing and reading techniques. Five weeks is a long time, almost a term in school life!
To help your child settle quickly on their return, keep those connections with school throughout the summer, plan some chances for your child to meet their school friends.
We expect our Year 6 children to model excellent standards to the rest of the children within the school; they have a lot of responsibility once they move into Year 6, including leading our whole school Council Crew sessions and we want them to represent our school to the best of their ability.
Our uniform expectations remain as high as ever and uniform should be clean and children well presented. As a reminder,
- We do not allow trainers to be worn, only black, polishable school shoes.
- Girls should only wear a skirt, a pinafore or formal trousers. Leggings are not allowed.
- Hair should be tied back from the face at all times, this applies to both boys and girls.
PE Kits should be in school every day and should comply with the correct uniform guidance. White shirt and navy or black shorts/joggers. A hoodie can be worn but this must be either black or navy and not have any logos on it.
We do NOT wish children to bring pencil cases into school. If pencil cases are brought in from home, they will be held by the class teacher and returned to the child at the end of the day to return home. We will provide clear pencil cases for every child which will contain the necessary equipment. These will remain in school.
Most importantly, we do not expect our Year 6 children to bring mobile phones to school. Only in exceptional circumstances, when a child will be walking to and/or from school unaccompanied, should they be in school.
If in school, they must be fully switched off and handed into the office staff. They will be collected at the end of the school day and must not be turned on until they have left the school premises.
Mobile phones are now an essential part of our lives and we understand the pressures on children to have and use them. However, we ask that they do not become an ordinary part of a young person’s life whilst at primary school; they have many years to grow up, childhood is a precious commodity and one we should nurture and keep safe.
If your child is walking to school or from school, we require permission from a parent in writing. Please use the links below to access the necessary forms. These must be completed before the beginning of the new term.
Walk to school:
Walk home from school:
Please be aware, we have previously had groups of children meeting in the park before school. As an academy, we would discourage this and ask that children come straight to school in the mornings.
We are holding a Meet the Teacher session for Year 6 parents on Monday 9th September 3.15pm-3.35pm in the hall and would welcome as many parents and children as possible at attend to discuss Year 6 curriculum, our plans and expectations for this important year ahead.
We look forward to a successful transition for your children from Year 5 to Year 6 but if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the year group on [email protected]
With regards
Uphill Village Academy