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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Monday 6th September 2021

Dear Parent / Carer

We hope you have had a restful summer break. We are delighted to be welcoming back all our children on Monday and I am pleased to be able to confirm arrangements for the new school year.

Following the changes in Government guidance, including self-isolation rules, we are easing some of the COVID-19 measures within school, including the removal of our system of bubbles.  We have planned a stepped approach to allow our children, families and staff to get used to being in larger groups, whilst benefitting from extended interactions and learning opportunities.

Whilst restrictions are lifting, it remains important that we continue to minimise the risk of infection for everyone in our community, and we will continue to ensure:

  • Frequent, thorough hand washing as part of everyday routines
  • Good respiratory hygiene habits – ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’
  • Enhanced regular cleaning arrangements
  • Active engagement with the NHS Test and Trace service

 Drop off & Pick up Arrangements

The start/finish times for all children will be the same, but we will continue to use two gates for drop off/collection: KS2 (years 3-6) will use the front gate, KS1 (Years 0-2) will use the gate in Ellesmere Road.

Drop Off – gates will be open from 8.30 to 8.45am and we ask parents to make use of the full 15-minute arrival window to minimise congestion around the school gates.  Parents/carers will not be allowed into school.  Please drop your child at the gate, where staff will be on hand to direct/escort them to their classrooms.

Pick Up – all children will finish at 3.15pm.  Please wait in the designated area for your child to be dismissed by their teacher.

KS2 – front playground

Year 2 – outside the gate in Ellesmere Road

EYFS/Year1 – outside the respective classroom door

Lunch Arrangements

All children will be eating lunch in the main hall and will have access to the full hot meal menu.  We are maintaining a staggered lunch timetable to reduce queuing and limit numbers in the hall and on the playground.   We are pleased to welcome a new catering provider from 6th September and attach a copy of the menu for your information.

Cloakrooms and Bags

As many of you are aware our cloakrooms are quite small and not suitable for large bags.  in order to reduce congestion, children from Year 3 to Year 6 (KS2) should only bring a small cloth bag and EYFS, Year 1 & Year 2 children should bring their school book bag.  No other bags or rucksacks please.

Water Bottles

It is important every child has their own, name labelled water bottle. These should be taken home each night and thoroughly cleaned. Unnamed water bottles left in classrooms will be disposed of so please ensure your child’s bottle is clearly labelled.


All children should return to school in full school uniform.

PE Kits

KS2 (years 3-6) – Children will be informed early next week which day they will be participating in PE. This will be confirmed in the ‘Meet the Teacher’ class videos and by email.  On their PE day children should arrive at school in their PE kit and they will remain in this all day. We recommend dark coloured jogging bottoms and a hoodie/fleece are worn if the weather is cooler.

EYFS, Years1-2 – Children will change for PE in school and will require a PE kit to be kept in school.  Please ensure all items are named and stored in a named small, drawstring bag.

Year 5/6 Pencil Cases

We provide all stationery for our children; however, we invite year 5/6 children to bring in their own pencil cases to help them prepare for secondary school and take responsibility for their own belongings. Further details will be provided by class teachers.

Breakfast Club & After School Club

Both clubs commence on Monday 6th September and all bookings have been finalised.  If you require additional bookings for these services, please contact the school office as soon as possible.

Medication & Inhalers

Those children who need inhalers or medication will have been contacted separately. As a reminder, please bring inhalers/medication to school on Monday with the necessary consent forms and hand them to your child’s class teacher at the gate. If your child has a new medication, please email the office for advice on how this can be administered at school.

Meet the Teacher

We will be providing year group information videos via the website. These will be available from Monday 13th September via our YouTube Channel.  A link to the channel can be found on the class pages of the school website www.uphillvillageacademy.clf.uk

Access to School

All visitors to the school are required to make a prior appointment.  Please continue to contact us via email at [email protected] or telephone on 01934 626769 with any queries you may have.

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to a safe and enjoyable return to school.

Yours faithfully

Sam Hodder
