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Welcome to Terms 3&4 in Year 2

Dear Parents/Carers,

Happy New Year and welcome back to the new term!

Our history enquiry for terms 3 and 4 is ‘Who were the Victorians?’ We will be enjoying learning about the differences between Victorian times and modern day life.  We will be providing the children with opportunities to explore life as a Victorian child and compare how things are similar and different to their own lives.  We will also be learning about the lives of Florence Nightingale and Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the impact that they have had on our lives today.

To enhance our history learning we will be taking the children on a walk around the village to look at local historical features on Thursday 2nd February and we will be taking the children on a trip to visit the SS Great Britain to learn more about Isambard Kingdom Brunel on Thursday 9th March.

At the end of term 4 we will be holding a presentation of learning, in the style of a historical exhibition, that parents will be invited to attend. This will be an opportunity for children to share their learning with you and will be held on Friday 24th March at 2.45pm.  More details will follow.

Just a reminder that we ask families to read with their children at home as much as possible and our regular reader certificates are given out for those children consistently reading 3 times a week or more.

From the week commencing 23rd January we will be starting to learn our spelling rules. We will send home a copy of the spellings that we are focusing on each week, in your children’s home school diaries so any further practise of these at home would be much appreciated.

The Year 2 Team