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Welcome to Year 1

Dear Year 1 Parents/Carers,

Thank you to those parents who were able to attend our meeting on Thursday 12th September. If you couldn’t make it, don’t worry there will be other opportunities to meet your child’s class teacher, however in the meantime please find the information shared at the meeting below:

National Curriculum

Now children are in Year 1 they will be following the national curriculum. This includes the core subjects of English, maths and science and remaining subjects of geography, history, P.E, music, art & D.T, computing, R.E & PSHE.

In Year 1 we teach phonics, maths and English daily in Year 1 groups every morning and our children’s English & maths learning will become increasingly independent, preparing for Year 2.


Sharing books – Please continue to change books outside each classroom after school as your child was in reception.

Phonics reading books – These are changed once a week during guided reading.

Reading at home – Please continue to read with your child three times per week; reading certificates are given in our weekly assembly.

Daily phonics lessons continue and there is a national government phonics screening check that we carry out with every Year 1 child in June.


In term 1 our enquiry question will be ‘What are the properties of everyday materials?’, which is a science based enquiry with a DT project at the end.  In term 2 our enquiry question will be ‘Which technology invention is the most significant?’ which is a history based enquiry, which will involve local walks covering both geography and history.


In tapestry you will continue to be able to see photos, conversations and video assessments. We continue to keep you up to date with our weekly memo, letting you know what we have been learning and ideas for home. Please continue to upload any photos/learning from home as well- we love seeing it!


Each class has a P.E lesson twice a week. P.E. is great for helping your child to learn new skills such as getting changed independently and group learning. Children should keep their P.E kit in school throughout the term. Our P E kit is a white t-shirt, black/navy shorts and trainers or daps. We will send your child’s P.E. kit home at the end of the term to be cleaned. Please label all P.E kit/clothes.

Toileting/snack time

Don’t worry – toilet accidents still happen in year 1! Please provide extra pants/socks in your child’s P.E bag or book bag.

Fruit continues to be provided to children in Year 1, and with this in mind we ask that parents do not allow children to bring in other snacks to consume at breaktime.

As your children are now over the age of five milk is not offered for free and will need to be purchased. Please contact School Milk Services to order this if you wish to.

As we start a new academic year, please can we remind parents that Uphill Village Academy is a nut-free school and children must not bring any food products containing nuts into school.  Please ensure you check the ingredients of items to ensure they do not contain nuts, i.e. chocolate spread may contain hazelnuts.

We do have a number of children and staff with food allergies and we work hard to ensure their safety in school, so your assistance with this is much appreciated.  We confirm that all other food items are permitted in school, however, we would encourage children to bring a healthy lunchbox with no chocolate bars or sweets.


If you would like to speak to us, please speak to one of us after school. You can also email the year group using the email address: [email protected]

Yours sincerely

EYFS/Year 1 Team