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Welcome to Year 2

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been an absolute pleasure welcoming your children back to school and into Year 2. They have all settled really well into their new classes and are already showing a great attitude towards their learning and being part of our school community.

Working with the children in Pluto class are Mrs. Counsell (Class teacher-Monday-Wednesday), Miss Henry (Thursday-Friday), Mrs Oliffe (teaching partner) and Mrs Headington and Mrs Preston, (one to one support). In Jupiter Class, Mrs Maynes (Class teacher) and Mrs Oliffe (teaching partner). Mrs Owen will cover PPA in Pluto on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoons alternating weeks and Mrs Owen will cover PPA in Jupiter on Tuesday afternoons.

We hope you find the following information useful;

  • Our enquiry for terms one and two is ‘Where in the world are we?’ We will be learning about the local area and where we are within the UK and beyond.
  • Reading books will be changed on every Monday, (Jupiter) and Tuesday, (Pluto) where the children will be given a book to read throughout the week, giving all children the opportunity to practise reading and develop their understanding of the books that they have read.
  • Please read with your child as often as possible. This should be an enjoyable experience for you and your child; reading to them is just as important as listening to them read
  • Please record when your child reads in their Home School diary, as children can achieve a regular reader award if your child reads three times a week or more.
  • Learning times tables is a whole school focus. To support your child please practise the 2, 5 and 10 times table with them.
  • We will be continuing phonics until Christmas. After Christmas, we will be looking at spelling rules and spellings will be sent home every week. These will follow the rule we are learning that week, please practice these.
  • Please ensure all items of school uniform, including P.E kit, are labelled clearly with your child’s name. Jupiter class will be doing P.E on Wednesdays and Thursday and Pluto Class on Monday and Thursday.
  • Please can all children bring a named water bottle to school every day.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child over the course of the year. If you need to get in contact with us, please use the email [email protected]

Many thanks for your support.

The Year 2 Team.