Welcome to Year 3/4
4th September 2020
Welcome to Year 3/4
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Voyager, Chandra and Sputnik. We are really pleased with how your children have settled into their classes. We would like to take this opportunity to explain the expectations we have of the children and the curriculum we have planned for this year.
The Curriculum
Our project for terms 1 and 2 is ‘Was King Henry VIII the Worst King?’ We have attached the knowledge organiser for this project for your information. Knowledge organisers are issued at the beginning of each new project and will include all the facts and information that your child will need to learn and it is helpful if these can be looked at and shared with your child at home; this will help support them with their learning.
Reading Books
The library remains closed so children will be able to choose a book from a selection in class to bring home each week or they can bring in a book from home.
Homework will be completed online using SumDog. Each child will be given a login and challenges will be set each week on a Thursday. These will be checked the following Thursday. SumDog can be run using an iPad/tablet as well as a PC or laptop. We will need your parental permission for your child’s detail to be use in the setting up of these subscriptions and a letter will be coming home in the next week.
Times Tables and Spellings
During the year we will be encouraging children to master their times tables and their spellings. We will work on both these key skills during lessons. Children will have TTrockstars subscriptions to help them practice and learn their times tables. Your encouragement and support in practising these would be much appreciated. We also recommend the Dorling Kindersley app ’10 minutes a day’ for practice of the times tables.
PE Kits
This year we are asking for children to wear their PE kits on the day they have PE as we will not be able to change in school. PE kits are a white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers. As the weather gets cooler, we would recommend that children wear plain dark jogging bottoms and a jumper/hoodie for warmth.
Our PE days for Term 1 are:
Voyager – Swimming kits on a Tuesday and PE kits Thursday
Chandra – Mondays and Fridays
Sputnik – Mondays and Fridays
Our year 3/4 page will let you see what your child has been up to. It will also have any important dates and details of upcoming events you need to be aware of. We aim to update this frequently to keep you posted of all the brilliant learning taking place.
Home School Diaries
Children should all have been issued with a home school diary this week. We would be grateful if you could encourage your child to read at least three times per week and for this to be recorded in their diary.
Finally, we are still checking and using our year 3/4 email address, [email protected] and due to covid-19 guidelines this is our preferred method of communication for any questions or concerns you may have. This will be checked weekly and we aim to respond as soon as possible. However, if you need to speak to someone urgently please contact the school office.
We are very much looking forward to a fantastic year with your children. We have lots of exciting things planned for them.
Many thanks,
The Year 3/4 Team