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Welcome to Year 3/4

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been an absolute pleasure welcoming your children back to school and into Year 3/4. They have all settled really well into their new classes and are already showing a great attitude towards their learning and being part of our school community.


Working with the children in each class will be:

Class Teacher                       Teaching Partner

Sputnik class               Mr Hancock (Mon-Wed)         Mrs Owen

Mrs Allsopp (Thur & Fri)

Chandra class             Mrs Maynes                               Mrs Clapson

Mrs Collis

Voyager class             Mr Huntley                                Mrs James

Mrs Murray

Mrs Coggins


We start this term with our enquiry “Who Was the Greatest Monarch of the Tudor Age?”. This project has a historical focus and as part of the learning the children will have a visit from Jed – a real life Tudor Courtier! He will take us back in time to discover what life was like in the Tudor times. As we go along, the children’s interests may take us in new directions and we will look for opportunities to develop these interests further and extend their learning.


We will continue to set homework on a Friday through the Sumdog website and will expect it to be completed by the following Friday. Sumdog can be run using an iPad/tablet as well as a PC or laptop. Login details for our Year 4 children will remain the same and Year 3 children will be issued with a username and password. These will be stuck into the front of their home school diaries for use at home. Please remind your child not to share their username and password with others.

Home/School Diaries

These are used to monitor reading and we would ask you to encourage your children to read at home with you at least three times per week. Please can this be recorded in their diaries so we can track the reading they are doing at home as well as in school.

You can also use the diary to communicate with us. Please remind your child to let the teaching staff know if there’s a note in their diary so we can ensure that it is checked, and we can respond to it. We can also be contacted using our year 3/4 email:

[email protected]


Times tables

At the end of Year 4, children will be expected to complete a times table accuracy test.

This tests table knowledge and accuracy up to and including 12 x12. We would encourage all children (Year 3 and 4) to practice these at home at least three times per week. Maths frame is an excellent website for this as it replicates the test format.



PE and Swimming

Please can children have their PE kits in school for the days they are doing PE. For term 1 these are:

Chandra – Monday (outdoors) and Thursday (swimming)

Voyager – Monday (indoors) and Thursday (outdoors)

Sputnik – Tuesday (indoors) and Friday (outdoors)

Your children will also take part in swimming this year – a separate letter has been sent home with details of the dates for each class. Please do ask if you have any questions regarding this though.

PE is usually held on the same day each week but occasionally these need to change, so it is important your child has their PE kit in school every day.


For our new Year 3 children, we look forward to getting to know your families over the course of the year. For our Year 4 children, we are excited to continue the strong learning we started last year.

With thanks for your continued support,

The Year 3/4 Team.