Year 1 Phonics Workshop
Year 1 Parent Phonics Workshop – Tuesday 22nd March 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Back in November, you may remember we had planned to hold a phonics workshop with Year 1 parents. Unfortunately, due to continued Covid-19 restrictions this was postponed.
We are delighted to announce we will be rescheduling this workshop for parents of our Year 1 children to take part in on Tuesday 22nd March at 8:55am until 9:20am.
This workshop is offered to allow you to watch a live phonics session with the children and class teacher; enabling you to see phonics in action and take away some techniques of how to support your child at home. We can offer a space for one parent per child.
Please book a place by visiting by Tuesday 15th March 2022.
We look forward to seeing our parents in the classrooms, but in the meantime if you have any questions about the event, or phonics general, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Yours faithfully
EYFS and Year 1 Team