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Year 2 – Welcome to Terms 3 & 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been an absolute pleasure welcoming your children back to school after the Christmas break. The children have returned to school eager to learn and challenge themselves.

Over terms 3 and 4, we are being historians and our enquiry is, “Why Were the Victorians Significant?” During this term, we will be learning all about life in Victorian Britain and some of the significant people from this time who have changed the way we live. As part of our enquiry, we will be looking at a variety of artefacts from the Victorian Age, walking around Uphill to find out about the village’s past with the English Heritage historian Michael Gorely and visiting the SS Great Britain. More information will follow about our school trip to the SS Great Britain shortly.

Reading books will continue to be changed every Monday, (Jupiter) and Tuesday, (Pluto). The children will be given a book to read throughout the week. This gives all the children the opportunity to practise reading and develop their understanding of the books that they have read. Please continue to read with your child as often as possible. This should be an enjoyable experience for you and your child and reading to them is just as important as listening to them read. We ask that you record in the Home School Dairies when your child reads as they can achieve a regular reader award if they read three times or more a week.

We will now be looking at spelling rules and spellings will be sent home every week in your child’s home school diary. These will follow the rule we are learning for that week and we ask that you encourage your child to learn these.

If you need to get in contact with us please use the email [email protected] or you can talk to a member of the team in person at the end of the school day.

Many thanks for your continued support.

The Year 2 Team