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Year 3/4 Celebration of Learning

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Tuesday 6th December, we would like to invite you to come into our classes and share your child’s learning and experiences. This will be an opportunity to look at and discuss your child’s books and artwork with them. It is also a great chance for those parents who could not attend parents evening to view their child’s work. We have been incredibly busy these past two terms – in all subjects – and are keen to share this with you. Our enquiry question has been: ‘Who was the greatest monarch of the Tutor age?’

Please note that this will be for the Year 3/4 classes only, as other classes will share their learning at different times throughout the academic year. You will be notified of these – when they occur – in the same format. For those who cannot attend, there will be other opportunities in the new year. Unfortunately, due to health and safety reasons, we can only extend the invite to a maximum of 2 adults per child/class.

On the day, the side gate will be opened on the main front playground (nearest the school office) at 2:45pm for Years 3/4 parents only. They will be closed again at 2:50pm in preparation for school departure and safety reasons. Parents are requested to remain in their child’s classroom until they are directed otherwise, due to other classes being dismissed at the end of the day.

Thank you for your cooperation with this.

We look forward to seeing and sharing with you soon.

Yours sincerely,

The Year 3/4 Teachers.