Year 3/4 Presentation of Learning – Book Share
Dear Parents/Carers,
On Monday 11th December, we would like to invite you to come into our classes and share your child’s learning and experiences. This will be an opportunity to look at and discuss your child’s books and artwork with them. It is also a great chance for those parents who could not attend parents evening to view their child’s work.
We have been incredibly busy these past two terms and are keen to share this with you. Our enquiry question has been: ‘What happened when the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings came to Britain?’ & in science we have been learning about ‘Insects’ & ‘Forces & Magnets’.
Please note that this will be for the Year 3/4 classes only, as other classes will share their learning at different times throughout the academic year. For those who cannot attend, there will be other opportunities in the new year. Unfortunately, due to space restrictions, we would request that only 1 adult per child/class attends the book share if possible.
On the day, the side gate (nearest the school office) will be opened at 2:45pm to allow Year 3/4 parents only to enter from the front playground. The gates will be closed again at 2:50pm for safety reasons, until the usual end of day dismissal. Year 3/4 parents attending the book share, are requested to remain in their child’s classroom until directed otherwise by the class teacher.
Please be aware that children in Year 3/4 who are members of the choir and attending the Pop-Up Café event at Uphill Victory Hall WILL have returned to school for the start of the book share.
We look forward to seeing and sharing with you soon.
Yours sincerely,
The Year 3/4 Teachers.