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Year 3/4 Trip to Weston Beach

Dear Parents / Carers,

As part of our ‘Where is Our Place in Europe?’ enquiry this term, we will be visiting Weston beach to investigate human and physical geographical features and enjoy some seaside activities.

The trip will take place on Tuesday 12th July 2022.

This is a great opportunity for the children to carry out geographical field work and to learn more about their local environment. They will also be given an ice lolly to enjoy at the beach.

We will be leaving school at 9:00am, to walk to the beach (near the Tropicana) and will return at 1:30pm. Children should come to school in their normal school uniform but please bring a pair of old trainers as well as a sun hat, drink, snack and a waterproof coat in case of wet weather.

The children may also wish to bring a small bucket and spade.

They will all need to bring a packed lunch which will then be eaten when they return to school.

There is a small cost for this trip to cover the ice lollies and beach hire which is £2.25 per child. Parents will need to use ParentPay www.parentpay.com by Friday 1st July to give permission for their child to attend and make payment.

If you are able to help on this trip, please let your child’s class teacher know as soon as possible.

We look forward to enjoying some great outside learning.

Kind regards,

Year 3/4 Team