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Year 3/4 – Welcome to Terms 3/4

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been an absolute pleasure welcoming your children back to school after a successful start to the year. They have all settled back into their classes.


We start this term with a new enquiry, “Why did the Europeans explore?”. We will be learning about famous European explorers from what is often called the Age of Exploration. This began in the early 15th century continuing until the early 17th century. We will also be embarking on a fantastic school trip to the Matthew on Thursday 3rd April. We will be sending out more information in due course. As scientists, we will be learning about rocks & soil.


We continue to use the app Sumdog for our homework. Log in details can be found in their reading diaries. Please remind your child not to share their username and password with others.

Home/School Diaries

These are used to monitor reading and we would ask you to encourage your children to read at home with you at least three times per week. Please can this be recorded in their diaries so we can track the reading they are doing at home as well as in school. We celebrate our reading successes in school and we would love all children to be part of this.

You can also use the diary to communicate with us. Please remind your child to let the teaching staff know if there’s a note in their diary so we can ensure that it is checked, and we can respond to it. We can also be contacted using our year 3/4 email:

[email protected]

Swimming and Forest school.

It is Sputnik Class’s turn to go swimming this term, Voyager class are starting their forest school experience and Chandra will begin theirs towards the end of term 4 or beginning of term 5.

With thanks for your continued support,

The Year 3/4 Team.