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Year 4 Residential to Folly Farm – Meeting & Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

Planning is now well underway to ensure we are ready to go to our Year 4 residential trip to Folly Farm on Thursday 16th & Friday 17th June 2022.

We are thrilled that we are in the position to be able to take the children on this trip. Folly Farm is operated by Avon Wildlife Trust and is new to us as an academy; it will offer the children a freedom to explore nature that we have not being able to offer before and we are really excited about it!

Most parents are maintaining their payment plan and have almost paid the full cost, however, there are some payments outstanding. Can we ask all parents to review their ParentPay account and ensure payments are up to date as per the payment plan.

Please remember ALL balances are to be paid in full by Tuesday 31st May 2022. Unfortunately, we cannot accept payments after this date as the full cost of the trip will be paid to Folly Farm. Outstanding balances may mean your child cannot attend, so please ensure prompt payment. Please speak to the school office team if you are experiencing financial difficulties.

We will be holding a parent meeting on Tuesday 24th May from 3:15pm to 3:45pm. This will be held with the class teachers and LSA’s attending Folly Farm this year; Mrs Allsopp, Mr Hancock, Mrs Owen, Mrs James & Mrs Matthews.

Children are encouraged to attend with their parent(s) and hopefully we will be able to answer any questions you may have.

We are now in the process of compiling essential and dietary information for all the children attending. The links to these electronic forms are below and these need to be completed by Monday 16th May 2022. Both forms must be completed for your child to be able to attend the residential trip.

Essential Information Form – https://forms.office.com/r/TULhq4efEV

Parental Agreement Form – https://forms.office.com/r/PgBfUMgRSz

There is a kit list attached to this letter. Please do not buy new clothes or kit for the trip, most items can be obtained very cheaply from charity shops. Clothes and shoes get very muddy and dirty so ‘the older the better’. Please do not forget bedding, as this is not provided by Folly Farm.

If your child has a medical condition where medication will be required for the duration of the trip, please ensure you clearly state this on the essential information form.

Please remember all medication must be prescribed and dispensed, with all the original labels in place. When we receive the information we will contact parents directly to arrange for medical forms to be completed.

Folly Farm is located in Chew Magna, which is less than an hour’s coach journey. However, if you believe your child will require travel sickness tablets please state this in the medical conditions part of the form. We will contact parents directly regarding the administering of this medication.

If any child or parent has concerns over the arrangements, please speak to the school office team or your child’s class teacher asap to discuss your concerns.

We are really looking forward to this fabulous trip, we hope you are too!

With regards

Year 3/4 Team