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Year 5/6 Class Changes

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for all your support since our return this academic year. It has been great to be safely back at school during such unprecedented circumstances.

The ever-increasing challenges of the National Curriculum accompanied with a pandemic mean that we need to do everything we can to support all children in all classes to catch up if they need to.

In previous years, in preparation for SAT’s, children in Years 5 and 6 and have been split for the morning sessions into smaller classes for maths and English. For this year, as it will not be possible to mix bubbles for part of day, we have decided to use our government ‘catch-up’ funding to split Years 5 and Year 6 into four separate classes full time for Term 3. (2 x Year 5 classes and 2 x Year 6 classes). We believe that this will be the best way to accelerate the children’s learning and know that children will really benefit from being in smaller classes (21 children per class) and from being taught year group-specific objectives.

We are lucky enough to have employed an additional teacher to facilitate this. Mr Mark Hancock, an experienced teacher who has worked in our school on a number of occasions, will be teaching Year 5 along with Miss Horn and Mrs Tinker/Mrs Want and Mr Clark will teach Year 6.

The children will be informed which class they will be in by the end of next week and will have an opportunity to meet their new teacher (if they have one) before the end of term. We will endeavour to ensure that children will remain within current friendship groups.

We hope you understand our rationale for temporarily organising the children in this way. We will review the arrangements towards the end of Term 3 and will notify parents accordingly. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to discuss them with us.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Samantha Hodder
