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Year 5/6 Presentation of Learning

Dear Parents/Carers,

In Year 5/6 this autumn term we have been investigating the enquiry question ‘How Did the Egyptian Civilisation Evolve?’ We will be holding a Presentation of Learning for parents of all Year 5/6 pupils on Thursday 12th December from 2:30pm-3:00pm. We will be sharing our work as historians and the knowledge we have developed about Ancient Egypt.

As this is a seated presentation, which will involve 90 children, Parents will need to book a seat to watch the presentation. As we only have a capacity of 100 seats, we will be limiting bookings to one adult per child. Booking opens on Monday 2nd December at 6pm and closes on Thursday 5th December at 10:00am. Please click on the link School Cloud to reserve your seat.

Those arriving on the day without reserving a ticket will be asked to wait until those with reservations have entered and can only be admitted if there is sufficient space available. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but we are sure parents will understand our need to comply with fire regulations.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 12th December.

With regards

Year 5/6 team