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Year 5/6 Victorian Walks

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our 150 year celebrations of Uphill School, the children in Year 5/6 have been learning about life in the Victorian era, the time when our school was originally built.

To gain an understanding of how the Victorian past is still evident in our lives nowadays, we are taking the three classes out on a walk around Uphill village to identify Victorian buildings and architecture.

The walks will take place on the afternoons of:

Unicorn Class           Tuesday 24th May

Orion Class               Wednesday 25th May

Pegasus Class         Thursday 26th May

We already have permission to take the children on a walk within the local vicinity so no further action is required. Children should wear normal school uniform and school shoes, however please ensure they have a coat in school on their walk day in case of wet or cold weather.

With regards

Year 5/6 Team