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Year 6 – Charterhouse ‘Ready to Go’ Letter

Year 6 Charterhouse Residential 2022 – Ready to Go!

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our Charterhouse trip is truly around the corner and we are set and ready to go!

Just to remind parents………


  • Pack carefully and don’t take too much! Please remember, your child will need to be able to carry their own luggage to the classroom as parents are not allowed on the school site;
  • Please label all luggage clearly & please remember your child’s bedding, including a pillow, as this will not be provided at camp;
  • The weather is looking dry and possible sunshine, so please pack a sunhat and suntan lotion. Make sure your child knows how to apply sun tan lotion properly – we cannot do this for them;
  • Please remember your child’s packed lunch for the Monday, but no lunchboxes please;


  • Children should arrive with their luggage at school at 15am (if your child is booked into Breakfast Club this arrangement can remain unchanged). Staff will meet the children in the front playground;
  • Children should arrive wearing old clothes and suitable footwear as activities will start on arrival at camp. Children should wear a lightweight coat;
  • Medicines should be handed to Mrs Hetherington by an adult. If you haven’t completed a medication form the medicine cannot be accepted. No other medicine, including travel sickness tablets, can be handed over at this stage. Children cannot carry or self-administer medication on this trip.

On camp:

  • Remember to follow us on Twitter at Charterhouse@Y6UphillVillage We will accept parents to view the account, we cannot accept requests from grandparents, friends, siblings etc. Please be mindful when sharing content on your own, personal social media account(s) that you do not have permission to share other children’s images.

See you all on Monday!

Year 5/6 Team