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Year 6 Leavers Activities

Dear Parents/Carers

We are nearly at the end of your child’s time in primary school and we always want to make the final days as special as we can, with lots of memories to add to the ones they will have made throughout their time with us.

We have planned activities for the year 6 children, when during their final few days they will be participating in a fun activity.

Children should arrive at school each day in normal school uniform. They will change clothes dependent on the activities. Here is the timetable and the things your child will need on each day:

Monday 18th July –

Cinema afternoon with popcorn and refreshments.

Tuesday 19th July –

Games and water fight on the school field. Children will need two changes of clothes. One set to play the games in (an old set you don’t mind getting wet and dirty) and a further set to change into after the activity. They will also need a towel. If your child has a water gun they can bring that too.

Wednesday 20th July –

Visit to Uphill Hill & Uphill Beach for wide games. Children can bring in a change of clothes (suitable for the beach), a towel and a bucket and spade. Sun cream and sun hats please.

Thursday 21st July –

Leavers Assembly. The assembly will start at 9:00am and finish by 9:30am, however parents can stay for tea and coffee after the assembly until 10.00am if they wish to. Seats are limited to 2 per family. No extra seats will be issued as this is a whole school assembly too. Please book your seats at https://uphill.parentseveningsystem.co.uk

Thursday 21st July –

Ice Cream Van & T-shirt Signing – The Year 6 children will have a special visit from an ice cream van, especially for them. Each child will have a whippy ice cream to enjoy on the field with their friends. This will be after breaktime at 11:00am.

T-shirt signing will take place between 11am and 12pm. Children will need to bring in a SPARE polo shirt – They will not be allowed to sign the one they are wearing.

We are really looking forward to these activities and we’re sure the children will have a fabulous final week in primary school.

Many thanks

Year 5/6 Team