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Year 6 leavers Arrangements

Year 6 Leavers Activities

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you are aware, we are still following Covid-safe restrictions in school so we have tried to plan a variety of leavers activities which we hope the children will enjoy and which we believe are a rite of passage on leaving Year 6.

Leavers Party – Monday 19th July

We have organised for all our Year 6 children to have a leavers party on Monday 19th July at school from 6pm – 7.30pm. Children will be encouraged to come dressed in their own clothes with a beach party theme. We have worked with our brilliant PTFA to organise a carousel of activities for the children to participate in, these include: a bbq for your children, a silent disco and outdoor games on the field. As we continue to follow government guidance, children will remain within their ‘bubbles’ for the party and will safely rotate around areas of the school to enjoy each activity.

As parents are unable to be on site for the party, this year the activities will be co-ordinated and run by school staff. However, if you feel as though you would like to buy anything extra for the children as a way of contributing, please do get in touch with us.

Leavers Assemblies

We will be holding separate leaver’s assemblies for each of our Year 6 classes. These will take place on the following days:

Orion – Monday 19th July 9:30am

Unicorn – Tuesday 20th July 9:30am

Pegasus – Wednesday 21st July 9:30am

Two parents/carers per child are invited to attend the event which will be held (weather permitting) outside in our back playground. We ask that parents and carers arrive no earlier than 10 minutes beforehand and wait socially distanced in the front playground. A member of staff will then escort you to the back playground. Face masks will be required to be worn whilst on school premises but can be removed once everyone is seated and the performance starts. For this event, parents/carers will be required to complete a track & trace form before attending the event. Further details will follow.

Class End of Term Treat

We would like to give our Year 6 and Year 5 children a treat afternoon where we will play games on the hill and visit the beach for some fun activities (weather depending) Children should wear their P.E kits on the day their ‘trip’ takes place.

Pegasus – Friday 16th July

Orion – Monday 19th July

Unicorn – Tuesday 20th July

Polo Shirt Signing

Traditionally, Year 6 children love signing each others’ polo shirts as they leave school. We would like to make this possible this year. Please could your child bring in an extra school polo shirt (to be signed) before Monday 12th July so we can safely organise a signing. The children can then wear their signed polo shirts on the last day of term Wednesday 21st July.

Leavers Photo Book

We would like to put together our own leavers Photo Book for each child. We will be taking photos of the children in school which will be collated and made into a photo book for them to keep.

Ice Creams

Finally, on the last day of term, we are hoping to have an ice cream van on the school grounds for your Year 6 children to enjoy an ice cream mid-morning.

We are so grateful to our brilliant PTFA who have kindly offered to finance these fabulous leavers opportunities for our Year 6 children.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 5/6 Team