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Year 6 SATs Information

Year 6 SATs Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been great to have your children back in school this week after the Easter holidays, we hope you all enjoyed the break.

We are working hard in preparation for the Year 6 SATs which take place week commencing 9th May 2022. Please find below the timetable for your child’s tests during that week.

Year 6 SATs Information

We would like to recommend that you aim for your child to have a fairly restful weekend (no late night sleepovers!) and as much sleep as possible on the Sunday night because the week can be intense.

To help support your child, we would like them to arrive at school Monday-Thursday that week between 8:00and 8:15am in Pegasus classroom where we will provide a breakfast free of charge. Not only does this give everyone the energy they need but it also calms any nerves and ensures that all children are here in plenty of time: some tests need to start BEFORE 9:00am.

Having had a tough couple of years through the pandemic, we want your child to be the most successful they can be in preparation for their move to secondary school later in the year.

Thank you in advance for your support

The Year 5/6 team