Uphill Village Academy PTFA
Who are we?
We are the collective of parents, teachers and friends of Uphill Village Academy. A committee meets regularly but anyone can come along and participate. We have a couple of vacant named positions on our committee and we are always looking for new enthusiastic parents to help either on the committee or as part of an event. Let us know if you are interested.
What do we do?
We raise money for the school, and organise events for families and sometimes just for adults! Some examples are the Xmas Bazaar, Quiz night, Easter activities and School discos to name just a few.
What has money raised by the PTFA been used for?
To name but a few: The willow structure, the wooden gazebo, theatre trips, sports equipment, cameras, playground equipment, lunchtime play equipment, and much, much more. Our focus is on items that are above and beyond what the school can offer.
When do we meet?
We meet roughly every month to six weeks and vary morning and evening meetings, on differing days of the week. The dates are planned in advance and reminders are included in the school news letter and in the noticeboard in the information area. Everyone is welcome to attend. The meetings are informal and you may just want to come along and see how we get along or just meet some new friends. Everyone is welcome.
Want to get in touch with us?
Just send a note to us via the school office or drop by to the next meeting for a coffee. We would love to hear from you and get your views and ideas.
Hopefully we’ll see you soon.