Term 6 Week 7 & 8

Friday 19th July
It’s the last week! What a year we’ve had! Thank you to everyone for your hard work and support this year, we have loved watching your children grow throughout the year. As writers year 3/4 have looked at a poem called the magic box. We annotated

Term 6 Week 6

Monday 8th July
Term 6 week 6 What a week we’ve had, this week is out eco art and DT week. We have created something an item or artwork from pre-existing materials. In Chandra Class we cut up old t-shirts to create a quilt to represent each child, we drew

Term 6 – Week 5

Friday 5th July
This week has been busy… As historians and geographers we have been studying the local history of Uphill. We looked maps from 1904 and 1990 and made observations to see what had stayed the same and what was different. Thursday saw

Term 6 Week 4

Thursday 27th June
Year 3/4 have had a fantastic week! As writers we have written our own instructions on how to care for a creature from our book FLOTSAM. We stared by seeing how detailed our instruction giving is by describing a picture and telling our partner to draw it without

Term 6 Week 3

Wednesday 19th June
What an amazing week! To start off our week we had Shane and Chris from NSSPEA deliver an orienteering activity for the whole school. We loved being outside and using our knowledge of our school to locate pictures and animals. How lucky

Term 6 Week 2

Monday 17th June
What have we been up to this week? This week our year 4s went on an exciting trip to St Briavel’s. Whilst there we had fun fencing, candle dipping, problem solving, and touring the castle. We had a great time… As mathematicians year

Term 6 Week 1

Wednesday 5th June
Welcome back! Some important dates for this term: Year 4 camp: Thursday 13th June – Friday 14th June. Raise the roof singing festival: Wednesday 26th June (pick up from The Winter Gardens)   As scientists we have started learning about a new

Term 5 – Week 6

Tuesday 21st May
Our final week of term 5! For our final week of being writers for our class book ‘this morning I met a whale’ we wrote our own stories inspired by the book. We made sure to include an important message about saving the environment or the animals habitat.

Term 5 – Week 5

Thursday 16th May
Another week of fantastic learning! We went to techniquest in Cardiff and had an amazing day being scientists! We explored loads of different parts. As citizens we discussed important and special memories along with any items that we have that help us to

Term 5 – Week 4

Friday 10th May
Another amazing week! Congratulations to all of our bike-ability year 4s for completing their course this week. As writers we have learnt how to be persuasive and wrote a letter to the Green Party Leader all about habitat loss and destructions. We started