Term 4 – Week 5

Friday 22nd March
It’s the penultimate week of Term 4… This week we have been busy getting ready to share our learning. We have been finishing off our DT work and printing Union Jack flags. As writers, we have recapped our knowledge all about non-chron

Term 4 – Week 4

Friday 15th March
What have Y3/4 been doing this week? This week in science, we have been finding out about our teeth. We used mirrors to observe our teeth. Then we located and named our teeth and learned the function each one has. Lastly, we discussed the difference between

Term 4 – Week 3

Wednesday 6th March
Who can guess what we’ve been learning this week? Thank you to everyone for the effort put into World Book Day this week. We loved seeing all of the costumes. Thank you also to those children who entered our book in a box competition, we were

Term 4 – Week 2

Wednesday 28th February
Another fantastic week! Following on from safer internet day, we had a visit from Megan a cyber security officer for North Somerset. She spoke to us about what personal information is and how to be safe online. As citizens we focused on learning about group

Term 4 – Week 1

Thursday 22nd February
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed a restful and relaxing half term break. We have another packed term of learning to look forward to. In Term 4 some dates to remind you about… World Book Day: Thursday 7th March Parents evening: Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th March Presentation

Term 3 – Week 6

Friday 9th February
Have a happy half term break! This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme this year is ‘Your Voice Matters’. We have been looking at the different ways in which we can express ourselves. On

Term 3 – Week 5

Friday 2nd February
Another fantastic week! As geographers this week we have been learning about where in Europe we are. We used maps, atlases and referred to our 8-point compass to help us. We discussed continents and know that there are seven continents. We live in the continent of Europe but

Term 3 – week 4

Wednesday 24th January
We’re halfway! To start our week off we practiced our skill of balancing on a line. We then took part in different activities to apply this skill. At the end of the lesson we thought about how we have improved from our last lesson and what we will

Term 3 – Week 3

Wednesday 17th January
What a busy week! In English we have read more of our class book Edward Tulane. As readers we wanted to understand our main character more so we thought of some questions and hot seated our friends to find out more. We then identified

Term 3 – Week 2

Wednesday 10th January
What a great week! As scientists this week we learnt all about the bones in our bodies and the scientific words for them. In English this week we have been writing a character description all about Edward Tulane. We started off identifying the features in