Term 3 – Week 3

Wednesday 17th January
What a busy week! In English we have read more of our class book Edward Tulane. As readers we wanted to understand our main character more so we thought of some questions and hot seated our friends to find out more. We then identified

Term 3 – Week 2

Wednesday 10th January
What a great week! As scientists this week we learnt all about the bones in our bodies and the scientific words for them. In English this week we have been writing a character description all about Edward Tulane. We started off identifying the features in

Term 3 – Week 1

Friday 5th January
Welcome to Term 3! We hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas holiday and would like to wish you all a very happy new year! This term we will be learning about our place in Europe as part of our enquiry and as part of this we are planning

Term 2 – Week 7

Wednesday 13th December
It’s our final week! To end our term we had our Christmas Party, we enjoyed playing games, having a boogie and ending our afternoon off with some delicious food. Thank you to the PTFA for sorting out the food. Thank you also for all the gifts, cards and

Term 2 – week 6

Friday 8th December
It’s the penultimate week! In Year 3/4 we have worked incredibly hard this week. We loved seeing everyone dress up in their Christmas Jumpers on Friday! As artists we learnt about complimentary colours and studied the artist Matisse. We created our own versions inspired

Term 2 – Week 5

Wednesday 29th November
What fantastic learners we are! As citizens this week we read the book ‘dogs don’t do ballet’. We learnt about what it is to be assertive and to never give up on our dreams. We role played being told we can’t do something and then wrote a letter

Term 2 – Week 4

Thursday 23rd November
Another fantastic week! As athletes we focussed on control in our football skills by playing mud monsters. We enjoyed dribbling and learning to tackle. In PSHE we learnt all about online safety and bullying online. We have created amazing online safety posters to inform

Term 2 – Week 3

Thursday 16th November
This week is anti-bullying week! This week we have all been learning about kindness. We started off our week wearing odd socks to school and learnt all about what bullying is in our PSHE lesson. We discussed why people bully and what it feels like

Term 2 – Week 2

Monday 6th November
What a fantastic week! As athletes this week we have started a new topic, DANCE! We have enjoyed experimenting with different shapes, moves and poses. As citizens we explored how making a judgment on a person can be incorrect and harmful, but

Term 2 – Week 1

Tuesday 31st October
Welcome back! We have really enjoyed our first week back after our break. As writers this week we have started reading a new book called Odd and the Frost Giants. We are looking forward to exploring this book more and discovering new characters. We discussed our