Term 6 – Week 1

Sunday 11th June
It’s Art Week at Uphill! In Year 3/4 we have been exploring different methods of collage before completing a piece of work based on the work of Romero Britto. We then enjoyed visiting other classrooms to look at the art work other year groups have been working on. Away from

Term 5 – Week 5

Sunday 21st May
It’s been another great week in Year 3/4 and we have all been enjoying the lovely weather! In English we wrote a descriptive passage inspired by the book ‘What did the Tree See?’ and thought about all the incredible things an old tree could have witnessed over its lifetime. We

Term 5 – Week 4

Sunday 14th May
It’s been a great week in Year 3 and 4. In maths the Year 3’s have been practising short and expanded method for multiplication while the Year 4’s have begun learning about the different types of angle and comparing obtuse, acute and right angles. English has seen the children write

Term 5 – Week 3

Sunday 7th May
It’s been another busy week in year 3/4. In English, we have been learning a new story, Sophie’s Quest, in preparation for our own quest story. The children have created story maps and ‘hot seated’ the main character, Sophie the spider monkey, to explore and understand her feelings and emotions

Term 5 – Week 2

Friday 28th April
We have been working hard again this week in year 3/4. In our English lessons we have been learning about a group of children called the Serious Explorers who went on an expedition to the rainforests of Guyana. They were following in the footsteps of Sir Walter Raleigh who had

Term 5 – Week 1

Friday 21st April
A big welcome back after the Easter break to all of year 3/4 – we hope you enjoyed a restful and relaxing couple of weeks off. Term 5 has got off to a great start this week as we become geographers for our enquiry, ‘Where in the world is the

Week beginning 27th March

Friday 31st March
Well, what a busy term that has been! Thank you to all the parents that made it to our Presentation of Learning this week. It was great to see so many faces and to be able share our learning from this term with you…        

Week beginning 20th March

Friday 24th March
This week year 3/4 went on their trip to Bristol to visit, ‘The Matthew’. It was a great day for all three classes and it helped us to imagine what it would have been like to be an explorer from the ‘Age of Exploration.’ We learned about John Cabot and

Week beginning 13th March

Friday 17th March
Year 3/4 have been working hard again this week… In art we have been looking at the artist Paul Klee. We discovered that he was influenced by balance, music and colour. We looked at several pieces of his art work. We talked about what we could see in the paintings

Week beginning 6th March

Friday 10th March
This week has been an adventure – we’re afraid we don’t have any pictures to share as we’ve been so busy with our learning. In English we have been continuing to work on our writing based on the book Varjak Paw. We have been thinking about the setting and how