Term 3 in Year 3/4…

Term 3

It’s been another very busy term in year 3/4! It was not the start we were anticipating, as we moved very rapidly from being in the classroom to setting up learning from home alongside our usual provision in school. Thank you for your support with this – we have tried to make everything work as smoothly as possible but when changes have been necessary, your patience has been really appreciated. As always, we continue to monitor what we are doing and your feedback is valuable in helping us assess what is working well and what might need tweaking! Our year 3/4 children have been amazing, as ever, and we have been really proud of how they have managed and coped with the transition to blended learning so well. Those at home have learned how to navigate Teams, finding their work and submitting their assignments each day and we’ve been impressed at the speed they have mastered this.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Whether in a session at school, or at home during check-ins, all children were given the opportunity during this week to take part in activities and talk about their feelings and emotions. Something that is particularly important in the current circumstances. Children were encouraged to label their feelings, to help them recognise and start to understand their emotions, and then think about ways they could express them.

Here’s a great link to help prompt conversations about how you are feeling and dealing with emotions:


Feel Fab Feb

Term 3 in Year 3/4...

To help highlight Mental Health Awareness week during the first week of February, we invited all of our children at Uphill Village Academy to take part in ‘Feel Fab Feb’. Here are some pictures, from year 3/4, of just some of the activities you have been doing as part of this…

Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4...

Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4...

Safer Internet Day

Safer internet day was held on Tuesday February 9th and we have been learning all about keeping yourself safe online as part of that this week. This year the day was based on: ‘An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world’

Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4...

To find out more, you can use this link which will take you to a report about how young people can manage reliability and misleading information online:


What have we been learning this term?


For English, we have written about Explorers in a non-chronological reports. You can have a look at some of our work by clicking the links below:

Exploring Arctic Explorers 2nd Draft

Arctic Explorers



For our project this term, we began by becoming geographers and found out more about the continent of Europe. We were interested to discover that the world as we know it today, is different from how they imagined it to be in 1400. The ‘Age of Exploration’ really did help us to map the world and have more understanding of where we are geographically, in relation to other countries. We then became historians as we found out what made Europeans during the 1400s want to go exploring…you can ask us all about it!


In science we have been focusing on rocks and soils. As part of our learning we found out about volcanoes – have a look at some pictures of us investigating:

Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4... Term 3 in Year 3/4...

Year of the Ox

Friday 12th February is the start of the Chinese New Year. The years on the Chinese calendar are divided into 12-year cycles. Last year marked the Year of the Rat, the first animal on the Chinese zodiac, while 2021 signifies the Year of the Ox, the second in the cycle which starts today! The ox is viewed as being symbolic of hardworking attitudes and reliability because of its role in agriculture. Year 4 in Voyager Pod marked this by getting creative and drawing their own pictures of the Ox!

Term 3 in Year 3/4...


Thanks, once again for your support this term, have a great half term break. We hope you get the chance to relax and enjoy some time together over the holiday. We return to learning both at home and in school on Monday 22nd February.