Children’s Mental Health Week

This year Children’s Mental Health Week is running from 1st to 7th February. Our mental health needs looking after just as much as our physical health. At Uphill Village Academy we want to equip our children with the skills to look after themselves and each other….. that is why we take part in Children’s Mental Health Week run by Place2be, to focus on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This year’s theme is ‘Express Yourself’ It is really important to be able to express yourself and show who you are and how you see the world, that can make you feel good about yourself. Given that the past year has left many of us feeling out of control and helpless, it is even more important to support children and young people to express themselves, in ways that they feel comfortable.

What is mental health?

Mental health is about our feelings, thinking, emotions and our moods. We all have small feelings every day and these are important for building resilience and confidence. Sometimes these feelings can become stronger and overwhelming but they are still small feelings and we are able to deal with them and chase them away.

Sometimes we experience big feelings. These feel stronger and overwhelming for a long time, these can get in the way and stop us doing what we want. When we experience these strong feeling it is good to talk to someone that you trust. Finding the right time to talk can be difficult. The link below gives parents some tips on when it is a good time to talk with your children about their feelings and emotions.

A Good Time to Talk pdf

If you are concerned about your child’s mental health, our learning mentors, Helen Hetherington and Anita Beal, are available to speak to you through their email address or the school office. They will also be able to sign post to other organisations that offer help.

We have put together some resources and activities to help you talk about the importance of mental health with your children and ways that you can help.

Place2Be has teamed up with BAFTA Kids and Oak National Academy to create a free assembly on the theme of Express Yourself. The assembly will be available at 9 am on Monday 1st February. Click on the link below to find out more.

A lovely song for younger children about expressing their feelings

Resources and activities for parents and carers

Anna Freud Parent Leaflet

Below are two activities that may be useful in helping children to talk about their feelings and emotions.

Writing a Letter

Writing a letter to someone they trust helps children to express how they are feeling without having to say it out loud. If they are happy to share it with you, take time to talk about what they have written. Being curious is a good way to start conversations

“I’m curious as to why you have written……”

“I didn’t know you were feeling that way, how can I help?”

”Can you describe the feeling, where in your body do you get that feeling”

Letter Template pdf

Circle of Support

Getting children to think about who could be in their circle of support when they are upset or worried about something will develop their coping skills. It is very powerful for a child to know when they are upset there is a support system they know they can access all on their own. By putting themselves in the first circle and then adding other people in the other circles. The closer the relationship they have with that person, the closer that person would be to them on the diagram

 Circle of Support Worksheet

Feel Fab Feb

If you stuck for some ideas on how to keep your children mentally healthy take a look at our Feel Fab Feb activity sheet and see how many they can do….or have a go together. Click on the link below to get started

Feel Fab Feb Tick List

Mindfulness Calendar

If you are looking for some mindful activities to do with your children, check out this mindful calendar. The activities take five minutes and you can do a different one each day or just pick the ones you feel would work. The document has an explanation of how to do each one.

Mindfulness Calendar Daily 5 Minute Activities