Term 2 Week 1

Friday 5th November
 Week 1 – Welcome Back! Year 2 Homework Grid Year 2 have had a busy week this week after our half term. In maths we have been learning all about adding numbers together using our number bonds and related facts. We have started looking

Term 1- Week 7

Wednesday 20th October
Week 6 Year 2 Homework Grid What a lovely few days in Year 2! This week in our project ‘Where in the world are we?’ we recapped all of the brilliant things we have learnt.   Also this week we have had the opportunity

Term 1- Week 6

Monday 18th October
 Week 6 Year 2 Homework Grid What another lovely week in Year 2! This week in our project ‘Where in the world are we?’ and English, we have been writing a non-chronological report about Weston Super Mare. We discussed what we have to do in Weston,

Term 1- Week 5

Friday 8th October
Week 5 Year 2 Homework Grid Pluto and Jupiter class have had another lovely week in Year 2. In our project ‘Where in the world are we’, we have been learning about Uphill and Weston and all of the wonderful geographical features we have

Term 1- Week 4

Friday 1st October
Week 4 Year 2 Homework Grid What a busy week we have had in Year 2! This week in our project ‘Where in the world are we?’ we have been looking at human and physical geographical features and comparing them. We sorted them in

Term 1- Week 3

Friday 24th September
  Week 3 We have had another lovely week in year 2! We have continued our project ‘Where in the world are we?’ this week by exploring maps of our local area and plotting landmarks of Weston on an ariel photo. We also looked at the

Term 1 Week 2

Friday 17th September
Year 2 information: Email: [email protected] Jupiter Class: Class teacher: Miss Ware Teaching Partner: Mrs Beal PE: Mondays (term 1 only), Wednesdays and Thursdays. Pluto Class: Class teacher: Miss Arnall Teaching partner: Mrs Oliffe PE: Mondays and Tuesdays Year 2 Homework Grid Week 2

Term 1 – Week 1

Friday 10th September
Welcome Back! We have been very excited to meet our new classes this week and what fun we have had doing it! Year 2 information: Email: [email protected] Jupiter Class: Class teacher: Miss Ware Teaching Partner: Mrs Beal PE:

Term 6 – Week 5

Friday 9th July
Term 6 – Week 5 We have had another lovely week in Year 2 this week. We have been super scientists and been exploring different habitats around the world and the animals that live there. We have thought about how different animals and plants have adapted

Term 6 – Week 4

Friday 2nd July
Term 6 – Week 4 This week we have continued learning about our local habitats and we enjoyed going down to explore our pond area to see what plants and minibeasts we could find! We also really enjoyed taking part in our Virtual Summer Sing Festival!