Term 3-Week 5

Thursday 1st February
Another busy week. We have been incredible learners this week and we are so proud of our children.   As writers, we have been writing in role as Oliver. Our diary entries are incredible and we have budding authors in Year Two. As Mathematicians, we have been looking

Term 3-Week 4

Friday 26th January
Week 4 has been a busy week and we have been keen scientist during ‘Birdwatch 24’. Mr. Hancock gave us the challenge of bird spotting. We had to see how many we could spot in ten minutes. As mathematicians we have introduced the concept of multiplication. We have

Term 3-Week 3

Thursday 18th January
This term seems to be zooming by and we are already in week 3. As writers this week, we have been looking at the adjectives we used last week to describe the Workhouses. We are now using these adjectives to write a detailed description about these. The quality of our

Term 3-Week 2

Thursday 11th January
We have another busy week of learning lined up for year two. As writers we have been looking at how we describe. We have been using the Victorian workhouses to describe. Some superb word choices have been used. As mathematicians we have been focusing on addition and subtraction

Term Three-Week One

Thursday 4th January
The Year Two team would like to wish you a Happy New Year and a very warm welcome back! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable Christmas. We are already busy bees this week with lots of new learning taking place this week. Our new enquiry this

Term Two-Week Seven

Wednesday 13th December
What an incredible last week it has been! On Monday, we shared our incredible Geography learning to our wonderful year 3 and 4 children. They were amazed at the quality of learning the children had done. We have enjoyed making beautiful Christmas cards for loved ones.

Term Two-Week Six

Thursday 7th December
We are so proud of your children for being absolute shining stars in our carol concert. They brought Christmas cheer and a festive tear to all around them.   As writers we have been thinking about how we can instruct people, clearly. We have been using imperative verbs,

Term Two- Week Five

Friday 1st December
Another busy week of incredible learning and practising for our carol concert. As writers we have been learning about imperative verbs and what they mean. We have been thinking of being ‘bossy’ and instructing our friends to different things.   As mathematicians we have been learning to add

Term Two- Week Four

Friday 24th November
Another busy week in year 2. We are busy practising our carol service and we can’t wait for you to see it. As geographers, we had an exciting lesson going out to look at Uphill coastline, ready for us to compare to Shanghai coastline. We looked at the human and

Term 2 Week 3

Friday 17th November
We have had another busy week. Not only as it been Odd Socks Week, Kindness Week but of course on Friday, we celebrated Children in Need. We came into school wearing spots and yellow clothes. On Monday, we joined in with an online kindness assembly in which we thought about