Year 5/6 in Term 3/4
Dear Parent/Carer,
Happy New Year to you all!
We are very much looking forward to embarking on our new enquiry question this term which is ‘How did The Romans rule?’ and discussing the concepts of power and empire. As part of this, we will be reading the quality text ‘Roman Quests’ by Caroline Lawrence who is an author with a wealth of historical knowledge from this particular historical era.
Whilst being historians, we will be examining historical evidence to find out exactly when The Roman Period was in the past and what else was happening across the world at the same time. We will discuss how Rome and The Roman Empire was run and how the citizens lived. Finally, we will learn about significant events which occurred during this period and what was the legacy they left behind.
Please find attached our knowledge organiser which you can use to reinforce your child’s history learning at home.
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 5/6 team