Week beginning 21st March

Friday 25th March
We have all been delighted that the sun has shone this week. It makes such a difference being able to use the outside space. In science this week, the children have been continuing their work on digestion. We carried out three different experiments to see what happens during the digestive

Week beginning 14th March

Friday 18th March
Happy Red Nose Day! Thank you for all of your contributions towards this fund raising event. It was great to see so many children sporting red tops, noses etc. This week in English the children have writing suspense stories. They have set their stories in a variety of settings including

Week beginning 7th March

Wednesday 9th March
In English we were thinking about a writing technique called Tell not show. This is a writing tool that authors use to help with characterisation and to create suspense. We thought about how we use our face and body to show an emotion.    

Week beginning the 28th February

Friday 4th March
  Welcome back everyone. Well it has been a fun packed week and we have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. It was great to see so many children dressed up as a variety of characters from books. The school was full of wizards, footballers, dragons, Vikings, princesses, elves and

Week beginning 14th February

Friday 18th February
Well, what a strange end to term 3. Thank you to all the children who joined us for our online learning sessions this morning. Thanks also to the parents who were no doubt sorting out technical issues etc. in the background. We teachers must admit, that we had forgotten about

Week beginning 7th February

Thursday 10th February
This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week. The children carefully considered the things that will help them to grow not only in body but also in mind. They discussed how important it is to have kind and caring people around them, people they can talk to, good friends and

Week beginning 31.1.22

Friday 4th February
We have had yet another busy week. Today, we all went out onto the field to join in with the Big Garden Bird Watch. Using binoculars, we spent time identify different birds. We spied lots of carrion crows, starlings, gulls, wood pigeons and even a little wag tail or two.

Week beginning 24th January

Friday 28th January
This week Glenda, who is  a senior nurse, came into school to tell us all about x rays. Following a presentation, we discovered lots of interesting facts about x rays. We learned that the x ray was first discovered in 1895 by a German called Wilhelm Roentgen. X rays are

Week beginning 17th January

Friday 21st January
This week we have been busy writing warning stories in English. During Talk for writing, we learnt a story called ‘The Canal’. We performed the story, looked at the sequence of the story and we did some short burst writing. We created our own warning stories based on going to

Week 2

Thursday 13th January
This week we have been busy finding out more about our enquiry, How is my body amazing? We have talked about the function of the skeleton and we have discovered that a skeleton is needed for protection, support and movement. Did you know that the ribcage protects our delicate internal