Term 5 – Week 1

Friday 23rd April
Welcome to Term 5 Welcome back after the Easter break. Hopefully you were able to enjoy some sunshine and the easing of restrictions. We have had a very busy week re-establishing our classroom routines and learning expectations in year 3/4. It has been lovely having everyone back in

Term 4 – Week 6

Thursday 1st April
Term 4 – Week 6 This week we have concluded our project ‘Who was the Greatest Explorer’ by considering exploration and the impacts it has had on our lives. In English we wrote persuasively on the topic of ‘Is the world a better place because of exploration?’. We

Week beginning 22nd March

Monday 29th March
This week we started work on writing a persuasive argument about whether it is a good thing for people to go exploring. We have looked at the the features of persuasive arguments and thought about reasons for and against. We created some persuasive posters.   In science, we

Friday 19th March
Week 4 It has been another busy week. The children have been writing up their adventure stories set in the jungle. They have worked hard editing and improving their stories and have since completed their final drafts. They have been writing about searching for lost cities, temples and statutes to

Welcome back to School

Friday 12th March
It has been lovely seeing all of the children back in their classes. We are really impressed with how well the children have settled down and how enthusiastic they are about returning to school. This week the children have been busy getting back into the swing of things. In English

Term 4 in Y3/4

Tuesday 23rd February
Term 4 – Y3/4 Welcome back to Term 4 – we hope you have enjoyed a restful half term break.       World Book Day WBD is on Thursday March 4th this year  – we have some events planned to mark this which

Uphill Village Academy’s Virtual Library

Friday 12th February
Click on the link below to discover our Virtual Library. You can browse the shelves and then click on a book you are interested in to read or listen to… UVA virtual library

Term 3 in Year 3/4…

Thursday 11th February
Term 3 It’s been another very busy term in year 3/4! It was not the start we were anticipating, as we moved very rapidly from being in the classroom to setting up learning from home alongside our usual provision in school. Thank you for your support with this

Term 3 Week 1 Welcome Back

Monday 4th January
Welcome back after the Christmas break. The Year Three and Four Team would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year.  We hope that you had an enjoyable Christmas break and that Santa came to visit. We appreciate that things are very uncertain at

Term 2 – Week 7

Wednesday 16th December
WOW! What a fabulous end to two very busy terms we’ve had. This week, we have been working hard at making Tudor houses to complete our project and have also been really getting in the festive mood by taking part in Secret